Upcycling shipping containers—16 Ways to Transform ISO Containers
St. Charles container house made out of Super Cubes containers
Are you ready to be different than everyone else? Are you wanting to build something out of a box? If you are saying yes to both questions, shipping containers may be a route for you! ISO containers are a great way to build a unique structure that can be within reach of the average person.
Shipping containers were designed for storing and transporting goods. However, there are so many different ways to upcycle steel containers into a wide variety of new structures.
So, what can you REALLY build with a shipping container? The short answer is really—anything!—even if shipping containers are commonly used by business and home owners. Containers provide a scalable building block to create extra storage, retail space, restaurants, homes and so much more. Here is a general list along with images of how containers have been and are continuing to be utilized:
Storage and Sheds. Sure it is the most basic use, but containers are great at storing things.
Cabins, guesthouse, tiny homes and vacation/main houses. The hottest trend in the past few years in containers is container architecture.
Offices and building extensions. Containers can add in extra space for people too. Containers can fitted out with insulation, electricity and desks easily.
Fire training stations. Containers can be burned again and again! As long as you replace that wood floor with something that doesn’t burn. We have all sorts of ideas on how to change the space to keep your team on their toes.
Saunas, pools and pool houses. Who doesn’t want one of these?
Food trucks, restaurants and bars. Containers make everything more fun!
Portable toilets. Ground-level entry that can be moved to wherever you need them. And everyone will be happy they’re not a port-a-potty.
Retail shops and malls. Downtown Container Park in Las Vegas is a perfect example of how to take a great, creative idea and make it a reality.
Las Vegas Downtown Container Park
Theaters. Detroit Globe Theater (A Super Cubes customer) is a fantastic example of taking something old—Shakespeare’s Globe Theater—and putting a fresh twist on it. The classic feel of live theater in the round with the ability to transport the theater as needed.
Bistros and coffee shops. Starbucks has been running with this idea for a few years, but there are so many more takes on getting caffeine to those in need.
Studios, art gallery and workshops. Maroon Arts Group in Columbus, OH has turned containers into an art gallery, a stage and a restaurant called the MPACC Box Park.
Gymnasiums and sport centers. Its pretty neat to say you can get your energy out while being active in a shipping container, Dunravens Sports Hall in Streathan, London.
Hotels. Super Cubes customer Alchemy Architects built The LightHotel, a one room mobile hotel built using a shipping container.
Student housing facilities and schools. The most classic example of this is TempoHousing in Amsterdam.
Emergency hospitals/disaster shelters. Containers can be moved around quickly and easily, making them a choice for quick response. The real hold-up here has been finding the way to create government-approved solutions that can be made where they are needed and at the right price point.
Nurseries and indoor gardens. This is such a great, sustainable way for locally grown food just about anywhere.
Please give us a call if you do have any questions on your container project! For information on our modification kits, please go to DIY Kits & Pricing.

One of a kind sauna
Outdoor container pool
Food trucks take over Toronto
Detroit Globe Theater
Starbucks Coffee, Salt Lake City
Super Cubes container attracts people to Victoria Burrow bar