Container homes worldwide
Container homes are popping up worldwide. Today we’ll explore homes in Chile, France, and Canada. I have one picture of each house to start and there are many more beautiful photos in the links.
First, we have the Caterpillar House (“Casa Oruga”) on the mountain outskirts of Santiago de Chile. Sebastián Irarrázaval Delpiano designed the home out of five 40', six 20' and one 40' open-top containers as well as traditional building materials to create a home that features the containers as a means for creating air circulation, sunlight and open and private spaces throughout the home. You really need to click on this link to see a ton of pictures of this beautiful home. It has a very clean, industrial look that takes advantage of the gorgeous views around it. The pictures are copyrighted by Sergio Perrione.
Sebastian Irararrazaval Casa Oruga Design
Next up is Container house in l'Estaque, a French home built right on the Mediterranean Sea. French architects Claire Helene Drouin and Jean Marie Sanchez designed their home out of 15 containers and blogged about every step of the way. If you can read French, there is plenty of information on every step from preparing the mountain-cliff location to placing the containers onsite.
Drouin and Sanchez's Marseille France Container Home
Victoria, BC container home
And last but not least, Zigloo Domestique, designed by Canadian residential designer Keith Dewey. He created his own home out of eight 20' containers. It has an open main floor and spacious bedrooms.
If you are considering building a container home, please tell us what other information you would like us to cover in our blog posts so we can make sure we’re being as helpful as possible.