Connex (or Conex) Boxes Make Great Hunting Cabins
Camoflaged 20'
You have used containers at work or during building a home. You love to hunt. You don’t have a cabin on your land. Enter—the connex box. Drop a container on your land, add in a door and some windows and you have a perfect hunting retreat. Whether it is just a basic spot to base camp or a complete man-cave, Conex boxes offer all the flexibility and ruggedness to be a perfect hunting cabin.
You can insulate them, add in heat (or cooling, or both), add in features that make the cabin perfect for you. It might be the ultimate get-away cabin for the guys or it might be a snug, welcoming place to bring your kids and grandchildren to teach them how to hunt.
Here is a series of my new favorite hunting cabin. I got these by email from a colleague. If you know anything more about this cabin, please let me know!